starring Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen and Audrey Tautou
In a nutshell: Works better as a book 

Quick synopsis: Symbologist Robert Langdon get caught up in a conspiracy and yet another quest for the holy grail
Content: soon
Rolling Rankings:
1. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (#143)

1. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (#143)
2. Punch-Drunk Love (#147) 

3. Star Trek (#146)

3. Star Trek (#146)
4. Collateral (#142) 

5. Up (#149) 
6. I.O.U.S.A. (#150) 
7. Role Models (#144)
8. The Da Vinci Code (#151)

7. Role Models (#144)
8. The Da Vinci Code (#151)
9. Star Trek: Generations (#148) 

10. Bottle Shock (#145)



mixed bag
more bad than good

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