starring Jon Heder & Efren Ramirez
In a nutshell: Delightful
Content: While I have been making an effort to watch classics that I have never seen, Napoleon Dynamite certainly does not fit into that category. However, I needed a lightweight movie that I had seen before that I could watch while doing a few other things around the apartment. I also needed a movie that would keep my girlfriend occupied. Napoleon fit perfectly.
There was a time when my college roommates and I worshipped this movie and constanly quoted it to each other (I can do a mean Kip). However, as it became somewhat of a pop culture phenomenon (vote for Pedro t-shirts everywhere), coupled with Jon Heder's less-than-spectacular subsequent roles, I experienced a bit of a backlash against Napoleon Dynamite. In my mind, I had made it into somewhat of a mediocre movie. A few years passed, then I happened to listen to an episode of the Movies You Should See podcast that was devoted to this film. I found myself trying not to laugh out loud in my office as they recounted some of the funnier moments and I remembered how funny and original this movie actually is.
So when I rewatched it today, I am pretty sure that I had grin on my face throughout the entire thing. There are so many funny, funny moments. Some critics blame the creator, Hess, for basically making fun of his characters, but I feel more like he loves them, and nurtures them through the movie to happy endings for each.
Although most people who might read this have seen Napoleon, I will avoid going into much detail. Although I will say that, a few of my favorite scenes involve Kip testing the limits of tupperware, Uncle Rico showing off his tapes, and pretty much any time Napoleon drifts off into his fantasy world, talking about 'numchuks', Nessie, wolverines, and his model ex-girlfriend. The climactic scene, however, may prove to be the scene that ultimately sticks with audiences for years and becomes a classic movie moment. Only time will tell.
Kip, Uncle Rico, Pedro, Deb, Rex Kwon Do, and the neighboring farmers are all memorable supporting characters that are worthy of mentioning as well. I heard a critic once describe Napoleon himself as one of the most passive main characters he could think of. I would agree with that sentiment. Despite the fact that the movie bears his name, it almost isn't even his story, it's just a story about his world. Most of the actions that move that story along are carried out by his supporting cast. Just about the only thing that Napoleon does to move the plot forward happens during his big scene at the end.
Speaking of the great finale, I am sure that it can be a ttached to a spike in Jamiroquai record sales the likes of which they had not seen since the fantastic video for Virtual Insanity was all the rage.
Anyhow, after the decidedly mediocre Nacho Libre reviews (I haven't bothered watching it), I am not terribly excited to see what Hess has planned for the future. I think he probably caught lightning in a bottle. The same goes for Heder. I have yet to see any evidence that he can create any other interesting characters although I hope that he proves me wrong. I'd love to see the Hess and Heder revisit Napoleon in a sequel though.
All in all Napoleon Dynamite is a lightweight yet crowd-pleasing and endlessly entertaining flick.
Rolling Rankings:
1. Sideways (#1)

1. Sideways (#1)
2. Napoleon Dynamite (#5) 

3. Raising Arizona (#2) 

4. Grave of the Fireflies (#4) 
5. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (#3)
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