starring Anna Wintour & Grace Coddington
In a nutshell: Yet another high quality documentary that makes me wonder why I even bother wasting time on fiction.
Quick synopsis: Anna Wintour, one of the most important - and most feared people in the high-stakes world of high fashion puts together the allegedly famous September issue of her magazine, Vogue, which is apparently to women and gay men what the SI swimsuit issue is to us straight guys.
Content: The September Issue offers the uninitiated a glimpse into the often bizarre world of high-end fashion. Even if you have no prior understanding of what this world is like (like me), the film is still very accessible. It focuses on Anna Wintour, who is often labelled as the basis for hellish boss Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada, and her often contentious relationship with her number 2, Grace Coddington.
The symbiotic relationship between the two women is the focal point of the documentary. Grace never stops complaining about Anna, but is not a natural leader and would likely be lost without her. Meanwhile Anna, who is feared by almost everyone she interacts with including some of the most famous designers in the world, relies on Grace to keep her honest since Grace is pretty much the only person willing to push back. However it's not this simple. The relationship has layers upon layers formed by decades of collaboration. But you'll have to watch to get the full effect.
Despite the fact that many men will not care about fashion at all (some women too), I would still recommend The September Issue to them. I find that the most fascinating documentaries are not on topics I already know well, but on worlds I am experiencing for the first time. The September Issue fit this description to a T. So, whether you shop at Old Navy and "don't get" fashion, or are a Project Runway die-hard who hangs on Heidi's every auf wiedersehen, there's something to enjoy in The September Issue.
Rolling rankings:
1. Up in the Air (#182)
2. Avatar (#176)
3. Sherlock Holmes (#178)
4. Big Fan (#180)
5. The Cove (#177)
6. The September Issue (#183)
7. Julie and Julia (#175)
8. Kids (#179)
9. Extract (#181)
10. Angels & Demons (#174)
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