Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pet Peeve of the Day

...and today's pet peeve is.....

when people say, "all's I know is..."

The some nice winning grammar. That'll get you far. My boss at my college internship used to say this, and he was actually in a position of power. I think saying "all's" should automatically disqualify someone from being promoted. All's I know is I wouldn't be caught dead giving a promotion to someone who can't speak with slightly better grammar than that.

So let's join together and fight against this one. I do not want it to reach the point where it is so widely used that it becomes acceptable. And I'm afraid that we are headed in that direction.

Save the English language!

This Peeve of the day was inspired by Rocco Mediate who just dropped "all's" in an interview with Mike & Mike.

1 comment:

  1. So it "all I know is..." appropriate? Is it just the "S" you have a problem with?
